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2023-08-13 公告 七股國小攜帶(使用)行動電話申請書Application to Use-Bring Mobile Phone (黃英洲 / 58 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 臺南市七股國小校外教學家長同意Implementation Plan for Field Trips in Academic Year (黃英洲 / 68 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 緊急事件處理記錄表Accident & Emergent Incident Recording Form (黃英洲 / 58 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 腳踏車通學同意書Students Commute to School by Bike (黃英洲 / 63 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 畢業證明書-Certificate of Graduation (黃英洲 / 63 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 轉學申請書Transfer-out Application Form (黃英洲 / 68 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 七股國小學生請假單 (黃英洲 / 67 / School Documents)
2023-08-13 公告 七股國小各項證明申請書 (黃英洲 / 56 / School Documents)
2023-06-28 公告 G1-G6 Class Schedule (黃英洲 / 602 / Class Schedule)
2023-06-28 公告 11.七股國小轉學申請書Transfer-out Application Form (黃英洲 / 91 / School Documents)
