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黃英洲 - School Introduction | 2023-06-28 | 點閱數: 131

Tainan Municipal Cigu Elementary School

Basic Information:

Cigu District is located in the coastal area at the west end of Tainan City. Its terrain is mostly tidal flats, sandbars, and lagoons. There are many mangroves along the coast, and it is a habitat for migratory birds. With such rich natural resources, Cigu Elementary School has always taken ecological environmental education as the school-based curriculum. We also make good use of local natural resources and cultural characteristics to teach the concept of environmental conservation through field observation and exploration. Moreover, Cigu Elementary School has developed four-season required courses in combination with mountains, astronomy, ocean, and bicycles. We also work hard on starting traditional art clubs, such as Techno-Dancing Third Prince, Twelve Pojie Troupe, pinching, recorder, etc., which provide students with a lively and diverse learning environment. In addition, we further promote the Three Goods Practice Campus to conform to the vision of vitality, creativity, thankfulness, and hope.

School Vision and Curriculum Development Principle:

We aim at combining the local ecology, industry, and cultural characteristics to construct literacy-oriented courses. What’s more, we are looking forward to starting diversified development clubs, enhancing students’ learning vitality and creativity, and cultivating students’ love and thankfulness for their hometown, bringing them hope.

At the base of “ Vitality, Creativity, Thankfulness, and Hope,” we create educational features, such as rooted moral education, intellectual and academic adaptability, and physical fitness. Additionally, we teach students social skills, global thinking, aesthetic caring, and provide local food education. The five aspects of All-Around Education can help pupils achieve the goal, “ No Child Left Behind.”

